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The Evidence Quarter

Centre for Evidence and Implementation

The Centre for Evidence and Implementation is a global team of research, policy and practice experts based in the UK, Australia and Singapore. We believe that good evidence and effective implementation has the power to solve our most pressing social problems. We’re passionate about helping policy makers, practitioners, organisation leaders and funders to use evidence effectively to change lives for the better.

Our work involves:

Understanding the evidence base: Decision-makers need access to high quality evidence about what works.

We synthesis the best available evidence in ways that provide real insight into what works. We use a range of approaches from evidence & gap maps through to full systematic reviews, always with a focus on outputs that are usable and actionable, and we support our clients to design innovations and strengthen programmes and services in the light of the evidence

Developing approaches to put the evidence into practice: Evidence needs to be put into practice effectively to make a difference.

Translating ‘what works’ into routine practice involves understanding when and how to adapt to local contexts, systematic planning of implementation, and creative solutions to address factors that get in the way of effective change.  We use the international evidence about what helps and hinders effective implementation to develop strategies for sustained organisational change. Our approaches include implementation planning, designing data systems for quality improvement and ensuring data are used, working closely with practitioners and implementation teams, and building organisational capacity for implementation

Trialling, testing and evaluating policies and programmes: The evidence base needs to evolve and grow. 

It is vital to continue to understand what is and isn’t working to achieve the best possible outcomes, and build the evidence base. Our work here involves formative or process evaluations (given added rigour and robustness by applying frameworks and learning from implementation science), rigorous outcome evaluation (randomised controlled trials and quasi-experimental approaches), and hybrid designs that evaluate both intervention effects and implementation strategies.

To all our work we bring a relentless focus on outcomes, a strengths-based approach, an appetite for partnership and collaboration, a commitment to co-production with service users and staff, and awareness of the wider systems and real worlds within which services are delivered and – most importantly – experienced.